Open Trace Format 2’s Python interface

The OTF2 library provides an interface to write and read trace data.

OTF2 is developed within the Score-P project. The Score-P project is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. OTF2 is available under the BSD open source license that allows free usage for academic and commercial applications.

About the Python interface

The Python OTF2 interface comprises two parts.

  1. The low-level Python interface in the _otf2 module

  2. The high-level Python interface in the otf2 module

The low-level interface is implemented using ctypes. The main goal for the low-level interface was to hide ctypes from the user. Besides that, it sticks as near as possible to the original C interface. See The low-level OTF2 bindings for Python.

The high-level interface is built on top of the low-level interface with the aim of hiding all those nitty gritty details. This part of the interface is described here in detail.

Installing the Python package

The Python modules are either installed as a regular Python package or are provided by the OTF2 installation when building from the OTF2 source package. To install the latest release via pip from PyPI use:

pip install [-U] otf2

You can also install the Python package from a source directory. The standalone Python packages come with a shared OTF2 library of the same version.

Accessing the Python package from a full OTF2 installation

The Python modules are also installed into the OTF2 installation. To access these modules you need to add this path to PYTHONPATH. otf2-config provides this path via the --pythonpath parameter:

  • Bash:

    export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:$(otf2-config --pythonpath)
  • Csh:

    setenv PYTHONPATH $PYTHONPATH:`otf2-config --pythonpath`


Indices and tables