Source code for

# Generated by OTF2 Template Engine

import re
from numbers import Number, Integral
from six import with_metaclass, string_types

from .attribute_list import AttributeList
from .enums import Base, ParameterType

def _replace_doxygen_commands(doc_string):
    if doc_string is not None:
        p = re.compile(r'@eref\{([^}]*)\}')
        doc_string = p.sub(r':py:class:`\1`', doc_string)
        doc_string = doc_string.replace('@b', '')
    return doc_string

class _EventMeta(type):
    def __new__(mcls, name, bases, namespace):
        clazz = type.__new__(mcls, name, bases, namespace)
        old_doc = namespace.get("__doc__")
        clazz.__doc__ = _replace_doxygen_commands(old_doc)
        return clazz

class _Event(with_metaclass(_EventMeta, object)):
    def __init__(self, time, attributes=None):
        self.time = time
        if attributes is not None:
            if not isinstance(attributes, dict):
                raise TypeError("Unexpected type for argument: attributes")
        self.attributes = attributes

    def __str__(self):
        return str(self.__dict__)

def _get_string_ref(writer, value):
    # The writer argument is the event writer, but for get_ref its the definition
    # writer. But we do not want, that this string definition will be written now
    return writer._archive.definitions.strings.get_ref(value, writer=None)

[docs]class BufferFlush(_Event): """This event signals that the internal buffer was flushed at the given time. """ _fields = ("time", "int", "the timestamp"), \ ("stopTime", "TimeStamp", ""), \ ("attributes", "dict", "a dict with an :py:class:`otf2.definitions.Attribute` \ referencing a suitable value.") def __init__(self, time, stop_time, attributes=None): super(BufferFlush, self).__init__(time, attributes) self.stop_time = stop_time @classmethod def _construct(cls, registry, time, stop_time): return cls(time, stop_time) def _write(self, writer): with AttributeList(writer._archive.definitions, self.attributes) as al: writer._buffer_flush(al._handle, self.time, self.stop_time)
[docs]class MeasurementOnOff(_Event): """This event signals where the measurement system turned measurement on or off. """ _fields = ("time", "int", "the timestamp"), \ ("measurementMode", "MeasurementMode", ""), \ ("attributes", "dict", "a dict with an :py:class:`otf2.definitions.Attribute` \ referencing a suitable value.") def __init__(self, time, measurement_mode, attributes=None): super(MeasurementOnOff, self).__init__(time, attributes) self.measurement_mode = measurement_mode @classmethod def _construct(cls, registry, time, measurement_mode): return cls(time, measurement_mode) def _write(self, writer): with AttributeList(writer._archive.definitions, self.attributes) as al: writer._measurement_on_off(al._handle, self.time, self.measurement_mode)
[docs]class Enter(_Event): """An enter record indicates that the program enters a code region. """ _fields = ("time", "int", "the timestamp"), \ ("region", "RegionRef", ""), \ ("attributes", "dict", "a dict with an :py:class:`otf2.definitions.Attribute` \ referencing a suitable value.") def __init__(self, time, region, attributes=None): super(Enter, self).__init__(time, attributes) self.region = region @classmethod def _construct(cls, registry, time, region): return cls(time, registry.regions[region]) def _write(self, writer): with AttributeList(writer._archive.definitions, self.attributes) as al: writer._enter(al._handle, self.time, self.region._ref)
[docs]class Leave(_Event): """A leave record indicates that the program leaves a code region. """ _fields = ("time", "int", "the timestamp"), \ ("region", "RegionRef", ""), \ ("attributes", "dict", "a dict with an :py:class:`otf2.definitions.Attribute` \ referencing a suitable value.") def __init__(self, time, region, attributes=None): super(Leave, self).__init__(time, attributes) self.region = region @classmethod def _construct(cls, registry, time, region): return cls(time, registry.regions[region]) def _write(self, writer): with AttributeList(writer._archive.definitions, self.attributes) as al: writer._leave(al._handle, self.time, self.region._ref)
[docs]class MpiSend(_Event): """A MpiSend record indicates that a MPI message send process was initiated (MPI_SEND). It keeps the necessary information for this event: receiver of the message, communicator, and the message tag. You can optionally add further information like the message length (size of the send buffer). """ _fields = ("time", "int", "the timestamp"), \ ("receiver", "ctypes.c_uint32", ""), \ ("communicator", "CommRef", ""), \ ("msgTag", "ctypes.c_uint32", ""), \ ("msgLength", "ctypes.c_uint64", ""), \ ("attributes", "dict", "a dict with an :py:class:`otf2.definitions.Attribute` \ referencing a suitable value.") def __init__(self, time, receiver, communicator, msg_tag, msg_length, attributes=None): super(MpiSend, self).__init__(time, attributes) self.receiver = receiver self.communicator = communicator self.msg_tag = msg_tag self.msg_length = msg_length @classmethod def _construct(cls, registry, time, receiver, communicator, msg_tag, msg_length): return cls(time, receiver, registry.comms[communicator], msg_tag, msg_length) def _write(self, writer): with AttributeList(writer._archive.definitions, self.attributes) as al: writer._mpi_send(al._handle, self.time, self.receiver, self.communicator._ref, self.msg_tag, self.msg_length)
[docs]class MpiIsend(_Event): """A MpiIsend record indicates that a MPI message send process was initiated (MPI_ISEND). It keeps the necessary information for this event: receiver of the message, communicator, and the message tag. You can optionally add further information like the message length (size of the send buffer). """ _fields = ("time", "int", "the timestamp"), \ ("receiver", "ctypes.c_uint32", ""), \ ("communicator", "CommRef", ""), \ ("msgTag", "ctypes.c_uint32", ""), \ ("msgLength", "ctypes.c_uint64", ""), \ ("requestID", "ctypes.c_uint64", ""), \ ("attributes", "dict", "a dict with an :py:class:`otf2.definitions.Attribute` \ referencing a suitable value.") def __init__(self, time, receiver, communicator, msg_tag, msg_length, request_id, attributes=None): super(MpiIsend, self).__init__(time, attributes) self.receiver = receiver self.communicator = communicator self.msg_tag = msg_tag self.msg_length = msg_length self.request_id = request_id @classmethod def _construct(cls, registry, time, receiver, communicator, msg_tag, msg_length, request_id): return cls(time, receiver, registry.comms[communicator], msg_tag, msg_length, request_id) def _write(self, writer): with AttributeList(writer._archive.definitions, self.attributes) as al: writer._mpi_isend(al._handle, self.time, self.receiver, self.communicator._ref, self.msg_tag, self.msg_length, self.request_id)
[docs]class MpiIsendComplete(_Event): """Signals the completion of non-blocking send request. """ _fields = ("time", "int", "the timestamp"), \ ("requestID", "ctypes.c_uint64", ""), \ ("attributes", "dict", "a dict with an :py:class:`otf2.definitions.Attribute` \ referencing a suitable value.") def __init__(self, time, request_id, attributes=None): super(MpiIsendComplete, self).__init__(time, attributes) self.request_id = request_id @classmethod def _construct(cls, registry, time, request_id): return cls(time, request_id) def _write(self, writer): with AttributeList(writer._archive.definitions, self.attributes) as al: writer._mpi_isend_complete(al._handle, self.time, self.request_id)
[docs]class MpiIrecvRequest(_Event): """Signals the request of a receive, which can be completed later. """ _fields = ("time", "int", "the timestamp"), \ ("requestID", "ctypes.c_uint64", ""), \ ("attributes", "dict", "a dict with an :py:class:`otf2.definitions.Attribute` \ referencing a suitable value.") def __init__(self, time, request_id, attributes=None): super(MpiIrecvRequest, self).__init__(time, attributes) self.request_id = request_id @classmethod def _construct(cls, registry, time, request_id): return cls(time, request_id) def _write(self, writer): with AttributeList(writer._archive.definitions, self.attributes) as al: writer._mpi_irecv_request(al._handle, self.time, self.request_id)
[docs]class MpiRecv(_Event): """A MpiRecv record indicates that a MPI message was received (MPI_RECV). It keeps the necessary information for this event: sender of the message, communicator, and the message tag. You can optionally add further information like the message length (size of the receive buffer). """ _fields = ("time", "int", "the timestamp"), \ ("sender", "ctypes.c_uint32", ""), \ ("communicator", "CommRef", ""), \ ("msgTag", "ctypes.c_uint32", ""), \ ("msgLength", "ctypes.c_uint64", ""), \ ("attributes", "dict", "a dict with an :py:class:`otf2.definitions.Attribute` \ referencing a suitable value.") def __init__(self, time, sender, communicator, msg_tag, msg_length, attributes=None): super(MpiRecv, self).__init__(time, attributes) self.sender = sender self.communicator = communicator self.msg_tag = msg_tag self.msg_length = msg_length @classmethod def _construct(cls, registry, time, sender, communicator, msg_tag, msg_length): return cls(time, sender, registry.comms[communicator], msg_tag, msg_length) def _write(self, writer): with AttributeList(writer._archive.definitions, self.attributes) as al: writer._mpi_recv(al._handle, self.time, self.sender, self.communicator._ref, self.msg_tag, self.msg_length)
[docs]class MpiIrecv(_Event): """A MpiIrecv record indicates that a MPI message was received (MPI_IRECV). It keeps the necessary information for this event: sender of the message, communicator, and the message tag. You can optionally add further information like the message length (size of the receive buffer). """ _fields = ("time", "int", "the timestamp"), \ ("sender", "ctypes.c_uint32", ""), \ ("communicator", "CommRef", ""), \ ("msgTag", "ctypes.c_uint32", ""), \ ("msgLength", "ctypes.c_uint64", ""), \ ("requestID", "ctypes.c_uint64", ""), \ ("attributes", "dict", "a dict with an :py:class:`otf2.definitions.Attribute` \ referencing a suitable value.") def __init__(self, time, sender, communicator, msg_tag, msg_length, request_id, attributes=None): super(MpiIrecv, self).__init__(time, attributes) self.sender = sender self.communicator = communicator self.msg_tag = msg_tag self.msg_length = msg_length self.request_id = request_id @classmethod def _construct(cls, registry, time, sender, communicator, msg_tag, msg_length, request_id): return cls(time, sender, registry.comms[communicator], msg_tag, msg_length, request_id) def _write(self, writer): with AttributeList(writer._archive.definitions, self.attributes) as al: writer._mpi_irecv(al._handle, self.time, self.sender, self.communicator._ref, self.msg_tag, self.msg_length, self.request_id)
[docs]class MpiRequestTest(_Event): """This events appears if the program tests if a request has already completed but the test failed. """ _fields = ("time", "int", "the timestamp"), \ ("requestID", "ctypes.c_uint64", ""), \ ("attributes", "dict", "a dict with an :py:class:`otf2.definitions.Attribute` \ referencing a suitable value.") def __init__(self, time, request_id, attributes=None): super(MpiRequestTest, self).__init__(time, attributes) self.request_id = request_id @classmethod def _construct(cls, registry, time, request_id): return cls(time, request_id) def _write(self, writer): with AttributeList(writer._archive.definitions, self.attributes) as al: writer._mpi_request_test(al._handle, self.time, self.request_id)
[docs]class MpiRequestCancelled(_Event): """This events appears if the program canceled a request. """ _fields = ("time", "int", "the timestamp"), \ ("requestID", "ctypes.c_uint64", ""), \ ("attributes", "dict", "a dict with an :py:class:`otf2.definitions.Attribute` \ referencing a suitable value.") def __init__(self, time, request_id, attributes=None): super(MpiRequestCancelled, self).__init__(time, attributes) self.request_id = request_id @classmethod def _construct(cls, registry, time, request_id): return cls(time, request_id) def _write(self, writer): with AttributeList(writer._archive.definitions, self.attributes) as al: writer._mpi_request_cancelled(al._handle, self.time, self.request_id)
[docs]class MpiCollectiveBegin(_Event): """A MpiCollectiveBegin record marks the begin of a MPI collective operation (MPI_GATHER, MPI_SCATTER etc.). """ _fields = ("time", "int", "the timestamp"), \ ("attributes", "dict", "a dict with an :py:class:`otf2.definitions.Attribute` \ referencing a suitable value.") def __init__(self, time, attributes=None): super(MpiCollectiveBegin, self).__init__(time, attributes) @classmethod def _construct(cls, registry, time): return cls(time, ) def _write(self, writer): with AttributeList(writer._archive.definitions, self.attributes) as al: writer._mpi_collective_begin(al._handle, self.time, )
[docs]class MpiCollectiveEnd(_Event): """A MpiCollectiveEnd record marks the end of a MPI collective operation (MPI_GATHER, MPI_SCATTER etc.). It keeps the necessary information for this event: type of collective operation, communicator, the root of this collective operation. You can optionally add further information like sent and received bytes. """ _fields = ("time", "int", "the timestamp"), \ ("collectiveOp", "CollectiveOp", ""), \ ("communicator", "CommRef", ""), \ ("root", "ctypes.c_uint32", ""), \ ("sizeSent", "ctypes.c_uint64", ""), \ ("sizeReceived", "ctypes.c_uint64", ""), \ ("attributes", "dict", "a dict with an :py:class:`otf2.definitions.Attribute` \ referencing a suitable value.") def __init__(self, time, collective_op, communicator, root, size_sent, size_received, attributes=None): super(MpiCollectiveEnd, self).__init__(time, attributes) self.collective_op = collective_op self.communicator = communicator self.root = root self.size_sent = size_sent self.size_received = size_received @classmethod def _construct(cls, registry, time, collective_op, communicator, root, size_sent, size_received): return cls(time, collective_op, registry.comms[communicator], root, size_sent, size_received) def _write(self, writer): with AttributeList(writer._archive.definitions, self.attributes) as al: writer._mpi_collective_end(al._handle, self.time, self.collective_op, self.communicator._ref, self.root, self.size_sent, self.size_received)
[docs]class OmpFork(_Event): """An OmpFork record marks that an OpenMP Thread forks a thread team. This event record is superseded by the @eref{ThreadFork} event record and should not be used when the @eref{ThreadFork} event record is in use. """ _fields = ("time", "int", "the timestamp"), \ ("numberOfRequestedThreads", "ctypes.c_uint32", ""), \ ("attributes", "dict", "a dict with an :py:class:`otf2.definitions.Attribute` \ referencing a suitable value.") def __init__(self, time, number_of_requested_threads, attributes=None): super(OmpFork, self).__init__(time, attributes) self.number_of_requested_threads = number_of_requested_threads @classmethod def _construct(cls, registry, time, number_of_requested_threads): return cls(time, number_of_requested_threads) def _write(self, writer): with AttributeList(writer._archive.definitions, self.attributes) as al: writer._omp_fork(al._handle, self.time, self.number_of_requested_threads)
[docs]class OmpJoin(_Event): """An OmpJoin record marks that a team of threads is joint and only the master thread continues execution. This event record is superseded by the @eref{ThreadJoin} event record and should not be used when the @eref{ThreadJoin} event record is in use. """ _fields = ("time", "int", "the timestamp"), \ ("attributes", "dict", "a dict with an :py:class:`otf2.definitions.Attribute` \ referencing a suitable value.") def __init__(self, time, attributes=None): super(OmpJoin, self).__init__(time, attributes) @classmethod def _construct(cls, registry, time): return cls(time, ) def _write(self, writer): with AttributeList(writer._archive.definitions, self.attributes) as al: writer._omp_join(al._handle, self.time, )
[docs]class OmpAcquireLock(_Event): """An OmpAcquireLock record marks that a thread acquires an OpenMP lock. This event record is superseded by the @eref{ThreadAcquireLock} event record and should not be used when the @eref{ThreadAcquireLock} event record is in use. """ _fields = ("time", "int", "the timestamp"), \ ("lockID", "ctypes.c_uint32", ""), \ ("acquisitionOrder", "ctypes.c_uint32", ""), \ ("attributes", "dict", "a dict with an :py:class:`otf2.definitions.Attribute` \ referencing a suitable value.") def __init__(self, time, lock_id, acquisition_order, attributes=None): super(OmpAcquireLock, self).__init__(time, attributes) self.lock_id = lock_id self.acquisition_order = acquisition_order @classmethod def _construct(cls, registry, time, lock_id, acquisition_order): return cls(time, lock_id, acquisition_order) def _write(self, writer): with AttributeList(writer._archive.definitions, self.attributes) as al: writer._omp_acquire_lock(al._handle, self.time, self.lock_id, self.acquisition_order)
[docs]class OmpReleaseLock(_Event): """An OmpReleaseLock record marks that a thread releases an OpenMP lock. This event record is superseded by the @eref{ThreadReleaseLock} event record and should not be used when the @eref{ThreadReleaseLock} event record is in use. """ _fields = ("time", "int", "the timestamp"), \ ("lockID", "ctypes.c_uint32", ""), \ ("acquisitionOrder", "ctypes.c_uint32", ""), \ ("attributes", "dict", "a dict with an :py:class:`otf2.definitions.Attribute` \ referencing a suitable value.") def __init__(self, time, lock_id, acquisition_order, attributes=None): super(OmpReleaseLock, self).__init__(time, attributes) self.lock_id = lock_id self.acquisition_order = acquisition_order @classmethod def _construct(cls, registry, time, lock_id, acquisition_order): return cls(time, lock_id, acquisition_order) def _write(self, writer): with AttributeList(writer._archive.definitions, self.attributes) as al: writer._omp_release_lock(al._handle, self.time, self.lock_id, self.acquisition_order)
[docs]class OmpTaskCreate(_Event): """An OmpTaskCreate record marks that an OpenMP Task was/will be created in the current region. This event record is superseded by the @eref{ThreadTaskCreate} event record and should not be used when the @eref{ThreadTaskCreate} event record is in use. """ _fields = ("time", "int", "the timestamp"), \ ("taskID", "ctypes.c_uint64", ""), \ ("attributes", "dict", "a dict with an :py:class:`otf2.definitions.Attribute` \ referencing a suitable value.") def __init__(self, time, task_id, attributes=None): super(OmpTaskCreate, self).__init__(time, attributes) self.task_id = task_id @classmethod def _construct(cls, registry, time, task_id): return cls(time, task_id) def _write(self, writer): with AttributeList(writer._archive.definitions, self.attributes) as al: writer._omp_task_create(al._handle, self.time, self.task_id)
[docs]class OmpTaskSwitch(_Event): """An OmpTaskSwitch record indicates that the execution of the current task will be suspended and another task starts/restarts its execution. Please note that this may change the current call stack of the executing location. This event record is superseded by the @eref{ThreadTaskSwitch} event record and should not be used when the @eref{ThreadTaskSwitch} event record is in use. """ _fields = ("time", "int", "the timestamp"), \ ("taskID", "ctypes.c_uint64", ""), \ ("attributes", "dict", "a dict with an :py:class:`otf2.definitions.Attribute` \ referencing a suitable value.") def __init__(self, time, task_id, attributes=None): super(OmpTaskSwitch, self).__init__(time, attributes) self.task_id = task_id @classmethod def _construct(cls, registry, time, task_id): return cls(time, task_id) def _write(self, writer): with AttributeList(writer._archive.definitions, self.attributes) as al: writer._omp_task_switch(al._handle, self.time, self.task_id)
[docs]class OmpTaskComplete(_Event): """An OmpTaskComplete record indicates that the execution of an OpenMP task has finished. This event record is superseded by the @eref{ThreadTaskComplete} event record and should not be used when the @eref{ThreadTaskComplete} event record is in use. """ _fields = ("time", "int", "the timestamp"), \ ("taskID", "ctypes.c_uint64", ""), \ ("attributes", "dict", "a dict with an :py:class:`otf2.definitions.Attribute` \ referencing a suitable value.") def __init__(self, time, task_id, attributes=None): super(OmpTaskComplete, self).__init__(time, attributes) self.task_id = task_id @classmethod def _construct(cls, registry, time, task_id): return cls(time, task_id) def _write(self, writer): with AttributeList(writer._archive.definitions, self.attributes) as al: writer._omp_task_complete(al._handle, self.time, self.task_id)
[docs]class Metric(_Event): """ This event represents a measurement point. """ _fields = ("time", "int", "the timestamp"), \ ("metric", "MetricRef", "the :py:class:`otf2.definitions.MetricClass` or \ :py:class:`otf2.definitions.MetricInstance`"), \ ("values", "array", "an array of values, one for each :py:class:`otf2.definitions.MetricMember`"), \ ("attributes", "dict", "a dict with an :py:class:`otf2.definitions.Attribute` \ referencing a suitable value.") def __init__(self, time, metric, values, attributes=None): super(Metric, self).__init__(time, attributes) self.metric = metric if isinstance(values, Number): self.values = [values] else: self.values = values @property def value(self): if len(self.values) != 1: raise AttributeError( "Trying to access singular metric value on metric event with {} values".format( len(self.values))) return self.values[0] @value.setter def value(self, new_value): if len(self.values) != 1: raise AttributeError( "Trying to access singular metric value on metric event with {} values".format( len(self.values))) self.values[0] = new_value @property def member(self): if len(self.values) != 1: raise AttributeError( "Trying to access singular metric value on metric event with {} values".format( len(self.values))) return self.metric.members[0] @property def scaled_value(self): if self.member.base == Base.DECIMAL: base = 10 else: base = 2 return self.value * pow(base, self.member.exponent) @property def scaled_values(self): def get_base(base): if base == Base.DECIMAL: return 10 return 2 return [value * pow(get_base(member.base), member.exponent) for value, member in zip(self.values, self.metric.members)] @classmethod def _construct(cls, registry, time, metric_ref, type_ids, union_values): # Type ids is redundant with the ids from the metric itself, we don't check the consistency # for performance reaons metric = registry.metrics[metric_ref] values = metric._convert_unions(union_values) return cls(time, metric, values) def _write(self, writer): with AttributeList(writer._archive.definitions, self.attributes) as al: writer._metric(al._handle, self.time, self.metric._ref, self.metric._type_ids, self.metric._convert_values(self.values))
[docs]class ParameterString(_Event): """A ParameterString record marks that in the current region, the specified string parameter has the specified value. """ _fields = ("time", "int", "the timestamp"), \ ("parameter", "ParameterRef", ""), \ ("string", "StringRef", ""), \ ("attributes", "dict", "a dict with an :py:class:`otf2.definitions.Attribute` \ referencing a suitable value.") def __init__(self, time, parameter, string, attributes=None): super(ParameterString, self).__init__(time, attributes) if parameter.parameter_type != ParameterType.STRING: raise TypeError("Expected parameter of type STRING, but got {}".format(parameter.parameter_type)) self.parameter = parameter self.string = string @classmethod def _construct(cls, registry, time, parameter, string): return cls(time, registry.parameters[parameter], registry.strings[string]) def _write(self, writer): with AttributeList(writer._archive.definitions, self.attributes) as al: writer._parameter_string(al._handle, self.time, self.parameter._ref, _get_string_ref(writer, self.string))
[docs]class ParameterInt(_Event): """A ParameterInt record marks that in the current region, the specified integer parameter has the specified value. """ _fields = ("time", "int", "the timestamp"), \ ("parameter", "ParameterRef", ""), \ ("value", "ctypes.c_int64", ""), \ ("attributes", "dict", "a dict with an :py:class:`otf2.definitions.Attribute` \ referencing a suitable value.") def __init__(self, time, parameter, value, attributes=None): super(ParameterInt, self).__init__(time, attributes) if parameter.parameter_type != ParameterType.INT64: raise TypeError("Expected parameter of type INT64, but got {}".format(parameter.parameter_type)) self.parameter = parameter if not isinstance(value, Integral): raise TypeError("Expected INT64 parameter value, but got {}".format(type(value))) self.value = value @classmethod def _construct(cls, registry, time, parameter, value): return cls(time, registry.parameters[parameter], value) def _write(self, writer): with AttributeList(writer._archive.definitions, self.attributes) as al: writer._parameter_int(al._handle, self.time, self.parameter._ref, self.value)
[docs]class ParameterUnsignedInt(_Event): """A ParameterUnsignedInt record marks that in the current region, the specified unsigned integer parameter has the specified value. """ _fields = ("time", "int", "the timestamp"), \ ("parameter", "ParameterRef", ""), \ ("value", "ctypes.c_uint64", ""), \ ("attributes", "dict", "a dict with an :py:class:`otf2.definitions.Attribute` \ referencing a suitable value.") def __init__(self, time, parameter, value, attributes=None): super(ParameterUnsignedInt, self).__init__(time, attributes) if parameter.parameter_type != ParameterType.UINT64: raise TypeError("Expected parameter of type UINT64, but got {}".format(parameter.parameter_type)) self.parameter = parameter if not isinstance(value, Integral) or value < 0: raise TypeError("Expected UINT64 parameter value, but got {}".format(type(value))) self.value = value @classmethod def _construct(cls, registry, time, parameter, value): return cls(time, registry.parameters[parameter], value) def _write(self, writer): with AttributeList(writer._archive.definitions, self.attributes) as al: writer._parameter_unsigned_int(al._handle, self.time, self.parameter._ref, self.value)
[docs]class RmaWinCreate(_Event): """A RmaWinCreate record denotes the creation of a RMA window. """ _fields = ("time", "int", "the timestamp"), \ ("win", "RmaWinRef", ""), \ ("attributes", "dict", "a dict with an :py:class:`otf2.definitions.Attribute` \ referencing a suitable value.") def __init__(self, time, win, attributes=None): super(RmaWinCreate, self).__init__(time, attributes) = win @classmethod def _construct(cls, registry, time, win): return cls(time, registry.rma_wins[win]) def _write(self, writer): with AttributeList(writer._archive.definitions, self.attributes) as al: writer._rma_win_create(al._handle, self.time,
[docs]class RmaWinDestroy(_Event): """A RmaWinDestroy record denotes the destruction of a RMA window. """ _fields = ("time", "int", "the timestamp"), \ ("win", "RmaWinRef", ""), \ ("attributes", "dict", "a dict with an :py:class:`otf2.definitions.Attribute` \ referencing a suitable value.") def __init__(self, time, win, attributes=None): super(RmaWinDestroy, self).__init__(time, attributes) = win @classmethod def _construct(cls, registry, time, win): return cls(time, registry.rma_wins[win]) def _write(self, writer): with AttributeList(writer._archive.definitions, self.attributes) as al: writer._rma_win_destroy(al._handle, self.time,
[docs]class RmaCollectiveBegin(_Event): """A RmaCollectiveBegin record denotes the beginning of a collective RMA operation. """ _fields = ("time", "int", "the timestamp"), \ ("attributes", "dict", "a dict with an :py:class:`otf2.definitions.Attribute` \ referencing a suitable value.") def __init__(self, time, attributes=None): super(RmaCollectiveBegin, self).__init__(time, attributes) @classmethod def _construct(cls, registry, time): return cls(time, ) def _write(self, writer): with AttributeList(writer._archive.definitions, self.attributes) as al: writer._rma_collective_begin(al._handle, self.time, )
[docs]class RmaCollectiveEnd(_Event): """A RmaCollectiveEnd record denotes the end of a collective RMA operation. """ _fields = ("time", "int", "the timestamp"), \ ("collectiveOp", "CollectiveOp", ""), \ ("syncLevel", "RmaSyncLevel", ""), \ ("win", "RmaWinRef", ""), \ ("root", "ctypes.c_uint32", ""), \ ("bytesSent", "ctypes.c_uint64", ""), \ ("bytesReceived", "ctypes.c_uint64", ""), \ ("attributes", "dict", "a dict with an :py:class:`otf2.definitions.Attribute` \ referencing a suitable value.") def __init__(self, time, collective_op, sync_level, win, root, bytes_sent, bytes_received, attributes=None): super(RmaCollectiveEnd, self).__init__(time, attributes) self.collective_op = collective_op self.sync_level = sync_level = win self.root = root self.bytes_sent = bytes_sent self.bytes_received = bytes_received @classmethod def _construct(cls, registry, time, collective_op, sync_level, win, root, bytes_sent, bytes_received): return cls(time, collective_op, sync_level, registry.rma_wins[win], root, bytes_sent, bytes_received) def _write(self, writer): with AttributeList(writer._archive.definitions, self.attributes) as al: writer._rma_collective_end(al._handle, self.time, self.collective_op, self.sync_level,, self.root, self.bytes_sent, self.bytes_received)
[docs]class RmaGroupSync(_Event): """A RmaGroupSync record denotes the synchronization with a subgroup of processes on a window. """ _fields = ("time", "int", "the timestamp"), \ ("syncLevel", "RmaSyncLevel", ""), \ ("win", "RmaWinRef", ""), \ ("group", "GroupRef", ""), \ ("attributes", "dict", "a dict with an :py:class:`otf2.definitions.Attribute` \ referencing a suitable value.") def __init__(self, time, sync_level, win, group, attributes=None): super(RmaGroupSync, self).__init__(time, attributes) self.sync_level = sync_level = win = group @classmethod def _construct(cls, registry, time, sync_level, win, group): return cls(time, sync_level, registry.rma_wins[win], registry.groups[group]) def _write(self, writer): with AttributeList(writer._archive.definitions, self.attributes) as al: writer._rma_group_sync(al._handle, self.time, self.sync_level,,
[docs]class RmaRequestLock(_Event): """A RmaRequestLock record denotes the time a lock was requested and with it the earliest time it could have been granted. It is used to mark (possibly) non-blocking lock request, as defined by the MPI standard. """ _fields = ("time", "int", "the timestamp"), \ ("win", "RmaWinRef", ""), \ ("remote", "ctypes.c_uint32", ""), \ ("lockId", "ctypes.c_uint64", ""), \ ("lockType", "LockType", ""), \ ("attributes", "dict", "a dict with an :py:class:`otf2.definitions.Attribute` \ referencing a suitable value.") def __init__(self, time, win, remote, lock_id, lock_type, attributes=None): super(RmaRequestLock, self).__init__(time, attributes) = win self.remote = remote self.lock_id = lock_id self.lock_type = lock_type @classmethod def _construct(cls, registry, time, win, remote, lock_id, lock_type): return cls(time, registry.rma_wins[win], remote, lock_id, lock_type) def _write(self, writer): with AttributeList(writer._archive.definitions, self.attributes) as al: writer._rma_request_lock(al._handle, self.time,, self.remote, self.lock_id, self.lock_type)
[docs]class RmaAcquireLock(_Event): """A RmaAcquireLock record denotes the time a lock was acquired by the process. """ _fields = ("time", "int", "the timestamp"), \ ("win", "RmaWinRef", ""), \ ("remote", "ctypes.c_uint32", ""), \ ("lockId", "ctypes.c_uint64", ""), \ ("lockType", "LockType", ""), \ ("attributes", "dict", "a dict with an :py:class:`otf2.definitions.Attribute` \ referencing a suitable value.") def __init__(self, time, win, remote, lock_id, lock_type, attributes=None): super(RmaAcquireLock, self).__init__(time, attributes) = win self.remote = remote self.lock_id = lock_id self.lock_type = lock_type @classmethod def _construct(cls, registry, time, win, remote, lock_id, lock_type): return cls(time, registry.rma_wins[win], remote, lock_id, lock_type) def _write(self, writer): with AttributeList(writer._archive.definitions, self.attributes) as al: writer._rma_acquire_lock(al._handle, self.time,, self.remote, self.lock_id, self.lock_type)
[docs]class RmaTryLock(_Event): """A RmaTryLock record denotes the time of an unsuccessful attempt to acquire the lock. """ _fields = ("time", "int", "the timestamp"), \ ("win", "RmaWinRef", ""), \ ("remote", "ctypes.c_uint32", ""), \ ("lockId", "ctypes.c_uint64", ""), \ ("lockType", "LockType", ""), \ ("attributes", "dict", "a dict with an :py:class:`otf2.definitions.Attribute` \ referencing a suitable value.") def __init__(self, time, win, remote, lock_id, lock_type, attributes=None): super(RmaTryLock, self).__init__(time, attributes) = win self.remote = remote self.lock_id = lock_id self.lock_type = lock_type @classmethod def _construct(cls, registry, time, win, remote, lock_id, lock_type): return cls(time, registry.rma_wins[win], remote, lock_id, lock_type) def _write(self, writer): with AttributeList(writer._archive.definitions, self.attributes) as al: writer._rma_try_lock(al._handle, self.time,, self.remote, self.lock_id, self.lock_type)
[docs]class RmaReleaseLock(_Event): """A RmaReleaseLock record denotes the time the lock was released. """ _fields = ("time", "int", "the timestamp"), \ ("win", "RmaWinRef", ""), \ ("remote", "ctypes.c_uint32", ""), \ ("lockId", "ctypes.c_uint64", ""), \ ("attributes", "dict", "a dict with an :py:class:`otf2.definitions.Attribute` \ referencing a suitable value.") def __init__(self, time, win, remote, lock_id, attributes=None): super(RmaReleaseLock, self).__init__(time, attributes) = win self.remote = remote self.lock_id = lock_id @classmethod def _construct(cls, registry, time, win, remote, lock_id): return cls(time, registry.rma_wins[win], remote, lock_id) def _write(self, writer): with AttributeList(writer._archive.definitions, self.attributes) as al: writer._rma_release_lock(al._handle, self.time,, self.remote, self.lock_id)
[docs]class RmaSync(_Event): """A RmaSync record denotes the direct synchronization with a possibly remote process. """ _fields = ("time", "int", "the timestamp"), \ ("win", "RmaWinRef", ""), \ ("remote", "ctypes.c_uint32", ""), \ ("syncType", "RmaSyncType", ""), \ ("attributes", "dict", "a dict with an :py:class:`otf2.definitions.Attribute` \ referencing a suitable value.") def __init__(self, time, win, remote, sync_type, attributes=None): super(RmaSync, self).__init__(time, attributes) = win self.remote = remote self.sync_type = sync_type @classmethod def _construct(cls, registry, time, win, remote, sync_type): return cls(time, registry.rma_wins[win], remote, sync_type) def _write(self, writer): with AttributeList(writer._archive.definitions, self.attributes) as al: writer._rma_sync(al._handle, self.time,, self.remote, self.sync_type)
[docs]class RmaWaitChange(_Event): """A RmaWaitChange record denotes the change of a window that was waited for. """ _fields = ("time", "int", "the timestamp"), \ ("win", "RmaWinRef", ""), \ ("attributes", "dict", "a dict with an :py:class:`otf2.definitions.Attribute` \ referencing a suitable value.") def __init__(self, time, win, attributes=None): super(RmaWaitChange, self).__init__(time, attributes) = win @classmethod def _construct(cls, registry, time, win): return cls(time, registry.rma_wins[win]) def _write(self, writer): with AttributeList(writer._archive.definitions, self.attributes) as al: writer._rma_wait_change(al._handle, self.time,
[docs]class RmaPut(_Event): """A RmaPut record denotes the time a put operation was issued. """ _fields = ("time", "int", "the timestamp"), \ ("win", "RmaWinRef", ""), \ ("remote", "ctypes.c_uint32", ""), \ ("bytes", "ctypes.c_uint64", ""), \ ("matchingId", "ctypes.c_uint64", ""), \ ("attributes", "dict", "a dict with an :py:class:`otf2.definitions.Attribute` \ referencing a suitable value.") def __init__(self, time, win, remote, bytes, matching_id, attributes=None): super(RmaPut, self).__init__(time, attributes) = win self.remote = remote self.bytes = bytes self.matching_id = matching_id @classmethod def _construct(cls, registry, time, win, remote, bytes, matching_id): return cls(time, registry.rma_wins[win], remote, bytes, matching_id) def _write(self, writer): with AttributeList(writer._archive.definitions, self.attributes) as al: writer._rma_put(al._handle, self.time,, self.remote, self.bytes, self.matching_id)
[docs]class RmaGet(_Event): """A RmaGet record denotes the time a get operation was issued. """ _fields = ("time", "int", "the timestamp"), \ ("win", "RmaWinRef", ""), \ ("remote", "ctypes.c_uint32", ""), \ ("bytes", "ctypes.c_uint64", ""), \ ("matchingId", "ctypes.c_uint64", ""), \ ("attributes", "dict", "a dict with an :py:class:`otf2.definitions.Attribute` \ referencing a suitable value.") def __init__(self, time, win, remote, bytes, matching_id, attributes=None): super(RmaGet, self).__init__(time, attributes) = win self.remote = remote self.bytes = bytes self.matching_id = matching_id @classmethod def _construct(cls, registry, time, win, remote, bytes, matching_id): return cls(time, registry.rma_wins[win], remote, bytes, matching_id) def _write(self, writer): with AttributeList(writer._archive.definitions, self.attributes) as al: writer._rma_get(al._handle, self.time,, self.remote, self.bytes, self.matching_id)
[docs]class RmaAtomic(_Event): """A RmaAtomic record denotes the time a atomic operation was issued. """ _fields = ("time", "int", "the timestamp"), \ ("win", "RmaWinRef", ""), \ ("remote", "ctypes.c_uint32", ""), \ ("type", "RmaAtomicType", ""), \ ("bytesSent", "ctypes.c_uint64", ""), \ ("bytesReceived", "ctypes.c_uint64", ""), \ ("matchingId", "ctypes.c_uint64", ""), \ ("attributes", "dict", "a dict with an :py:class:`otf2.definitions.Attribute` \ referencing a suitable value.") def __init__(self, time, win, remote, type, bytes_sent, bytes_received, matching_id, attributes=None): super(RmaAtomic, self).__init__(time, attributes) = win self.remote = remote self.type = type self.bytes_sent = bytes_sent self.bytes_received = bytes_received self.matching_id = matching_id @classmethod def _construct(cls, registry, time, win, remote, type, bytes_sent, bytes_received, matching_id): return cls(time, registry.rma_wins[win], remote, type, bytes_sent, bytes_received, matching_id) def _write(self, writer): with AttributeList(writer._archive.definitions, self.attributes) as al: writer._rma_atomic(al._handle, self.time,, self.remote, self.type, self.bytes_sent, self.bytes_received, self.matching_id)
[docs]class RmaOpCompleteBlocking(_Event): """A RmaOpCompleteBlocking record denotes the local completion of a blocking RMA operation. """ _fields = ("time", "int", "the timestamp"), \ ("win", "RmaWinRef", ""), \ ("matchingId", "ctypes.c_uint64", ""), \ ("attributes", "dict", "a dict with an :py:class:`otf2.definitions.Attribute` \ referencing a suitable value.") def __init__(self, time, win, matching_id, attributes=None): super(RmaOpCompleteBlocking, self).__init__(time, attributes) = win self.matching_id = matching_id @classmethod def _construct(cls, registry, time, win, matching_id): return cls(time, registry.rma_wins[win], matching_id) def _write(self, writer): with AttributeList(writer._archive.definitions, self.attributes) as al: writer._rma_op_complete_blocking(al._handle, self.time,, self.matching_id)
[docs]class RmaOpCompleteNonBlocking(_Event): """A RmaOpCompleteNonBlocking record denotes the local completion of a non-blocking RMA operation. """ _fields = ("time", "int", "the timestamp"), \ ("win", "RmaWinRef", ""), \ ("matchingId", "ctypes.c_uint64", ""), \ ("attributes", "dict", "a dict with an :py:class:`otf2.definitions.Attribute` \ referencing a suitable value.") def __init__(self, time, win, matching_id, attributes=None): super(RmaOpCompleteNonBlocking, self).__init__(time, attributes) = win self.matching_id = matching_id @classmethod def _construct(cls, registry, time, win, matching_id): return cls(time, registry.rma_wins[win], matching_id) def _write(self, writer): with AttributeList(writer._archive.definitions, self.attributes) as al: writer._rma_op_complete_non_blocking(al._handle, self.time,, self.matching_id)
[docs]class RmaOpTest(_Event): """A RmaOpTest record denotes that a non-blocking RMA operation has been tested for completion unsuccessfully. """ _fields = ("time", "int", "the timestamp"), \ ("win", "RmaWinRef", ""), \ ("matchingId", "ctypes.c_uint64", ""), \ ("attributes", "dict", "a dict with an :py:class:`otf2.definitions.Attribute` \ referencing a suitable value.") def __init__(self, time, win, matching_id, attributes=None): super(RmaOpTest, self).__init__(time, attributes) = win self.matching_id = matching_id @classmethod def _construct(cls, registry, time, win, matching_id): return cls(time, registry.rma_wins[win], matching_id) def _write(self, writer): with AttributeList(writer._archive.definitions, self.attributes) as al: writer._rma_op_test(al._handle, self.time,, self.matching_id)
[docs]class RmaOpCompleteRemote(_Event): """A RmaOpCompleteRemote record denotes the remote completion of a RMA operation. """ _fields = ("time", "int", "the timestamp"), \ ("win", "RmaWinRef", ""), \ ("matchingId", "ctypes.c_uint64", ""), \ ("attributes", "dict", "a dict with an :py:class:`otf2.definitions.Attribute` \ referencing a suitable value.") def __init__(self, time, win, matching_id, attributes=None): super(RmaOpCompleteRemote, self).__init__(time, attributes) = win self.matching_id = matching_id @classmethod def _construct(cls, registry, time, win, matching_id): return cls(time, registry.rma_wins[win], matching_id) def _write(self, writer): with AttributeList(writer._archive.definitions, self.attributes) as al: writer._rma_op_complete_remote(al._handle, self.time,, self.matching_id)
[docs]class ThreadFork(_Event): """A ThreadFork record marks that a thread forks a thread team. """ _fields = ("time", "int", "the timestamp"), \ ("model", "Paradigm", ""), \ ("numberOfRequestedThreads", "ctypes.c_uint32", ""), \ ("attributes", "dict", "a dict with an :py:class:`otf2.definitions.Attribute` \ referencing a suitable value.") def __init__(self, time, model, number_of_requested_threads, attributes=None): super(ThreadFork, self).__init__(time, attributes) self.model = model self.number_of_requested_threads = number_of_requested_threads @classmethod def _construct(cls, registry, time, model, number_of_requested_threads): return cls(time, model, number_of_requested_threads) def _write(self, writer): with AttributeList(writer._archive.definitions, self.attributes) as al: writer._thread_fork(al._handle, self.time, self.model, self.number_of_requested_threads)
[docs]class ThreadJoin(_Event): """A ThreadJoin record marks that a team of threads is joint and only the master thread continues execution. """ _fields = ("time", "int", "the timestamp"), \ ("model", "Paradigm", ""), \ ("attributes", "dict", "a dict with an :py:class:`otf2.definitions.Attribute` \ referencing a suitable value.") def __init__(self, time, model, attributes=None): super(ThreadJoin, self).__init__(time, attributes) self.model = model @classmethod def _construct(cls, registry, time, model): return cls(time, model) def _write(self, writer): with AttributeList(writer._archive.definitions, self.attributes) as al: writer._thread_join(al._handle, self.time, self.model)
[docs]class ThreadTeamBegin(_Event): """The current location enters the specified thread team. """ _fields = ("time", "int", "the timestamp"), \ ("threadTeam", "CommRef", ""), \ ("attributes", "dict", "a dict with an :py:class:`otf2.definitions.Attribute` \ referencing a suitable value.") def __init__(self, time, thread_team, attributes=None): super(ThreadTeamBegin, self).__init__(time, attributes) self.thread_team = thread_team @classmethod def _construct(cls, registry, time, thread_team): return cls(time, registry.comms[thread_team]) def _write(self, writer): with AttributeList(writer._archive.definitions, self.attributes) as al: writer._thread_team_begin(al._handle, self.time, self.thread_team._ref)
[docs]class ThreadTeamEnd(_Event): """The current location leaves the specified thread team. """ _fields = ("time", "int", "the timestamp"), \ ("threadTeam", "CommRef", ""), \ ("attributes", "dict", "a dict with an :py:class:`otf2.definitions.Attribute` \ referencing a suitable value.") def __init__(self, time, thread_team, attributes=None): super(ThreadTeamEnd, self).__init__(time, attributes) self.thread_team = thread_team @classmethod def _construct(cls, registry, time, thread_team): return cls(time, registry.comms[thread_team]) def _write(self, writer): with AttributeList(writer._archive.definitions, self.attributes) as al: writer._thread_team_end(al._handle, self.time, self.thread_team._ref)
[docs]class ThreadAcquireLock(_Event): """A ThreadAcquireLock record marks that a thread acquires a lock. """ _fields = ("time", "int", "the timestamp"), \ ("model", "Paradigm", ""), \ ("lockID", "ctypes.c_uint32", ""), \ ("acquisitionOrder", "ctypes.c_uint32", ""), \ ("attributes", "dict", "a dict with an :py:class:`otf2.definitions.Attribute` \ referencing a suitable value.") def __init__(self, time, model, lock_id, acquisition_order, attributes=None): super(ThreadAcquireLock, self).__init__(time, attributes) self.model = model self.lock_id = lock_id self.acquisition_order = acquisition_order @classmethod def _construct(cls, registry, time, model, lock_id, acquisition_order): return cls(time, model, lock_id, acquisition_order) def _write(self, writer): with AttributeList(writer._archive.definitions, self.attributes) as al: writer._thread_acquire_lock(al._handle, self.time, self.model, self.lock_id, self.acquisition_order)
[docs]class ThreadReleaseLock(_Event): """A ThreadReleaseLock record marks that a thread releases a lock. """ _fields = ("time", "int", "the timestamp"), \ ("model", "Paradigm", ""), \ ("lockID", "ctypes.c_uint32", ""), \ ("acquisitionOrder", "ctypes.c_uint32", ""), \ ("attributes", "dict", "a dict with an :py:class:`otf2.definitions.Attribute` \ referencing a suitable value.") def __init__(self, time, model, lock_id, acquisition_order, attributes=None): super(ThreadReleaseLock, self).__init__(time, attributes) self.model = model self.lock_id = lock_id self.acquisition_order = acquisition_order @classmethod def _construct(cls, registry, time, model, lock_id, acquisition_order): return cls(time, model, lock_id, acquisition_order) def _write(self, writer): with AttributeList(writer._archive.definitions, self.attributes) as al: writer._thread_release_lock(al._handle, self.time, self.model, self.lock_id, self.acquisition_order)
[docs]class ThreadTaskCreate(_Event): """A ThreadTaskCreate record marks that a task in was/will be created and will be processed by the specified thread team. """ _fields = ("time", "int", "the timestamp"), \ ("threadTeam", "CommRef", ""), \ ("creatingThread", "ctypes.c_uint32", ""), \ ("generationNumber", "ctypes.c_uint32", ""), \ ("attributes", "dict", "a dict with an :py:class:`otf2.definitions.Attribute` \ referencing a suitable value.") def __init__(self, time, thread_team, creating_thread, generation_number, attributes=None): super(ThreadTaskCreate, self).__init__(time, attributes) self.thread_team = thread_team self.creating_thread = creating_thread self.generation_number = generation_number @classmethod def _construct(cls, registry, time, thread_team, creating_thread, generation_number): return cls(time, registry.comms[thread_team], creating_thread, generation_number) def _write(self, writer): with AttributeList(writer._archive.definitions, self.attributes) as al: writer._thread_task_create(al._handle, self.time, self.thread_team._ref, self.creating_thread, self.generation_number)
[docs]class ThreadTaskSwitch(_Event): """A ThreadTaskSwitch record indicates that the execution of the current task will be suspended and another task starts/restarts its execution. Please note that this may change the current call stack of the executing location. """ _fields = ("time", "int", "the timestamp"), \ ("threadTeam", "CommRef", ""), \ ("creatingThread", "ctypes.c_uint32", ""), \ ("generationNumber", "ctypes.c_uint32", ""), \ ("attributes", "dict", "a dict with an :py:class:`otf2.definitions.Attribute` \ referencing a suitable value.") def __init__(self, time, thread_team, creating_thread, generation_number, attributes=None): super(ThreadTaskSwitch, self).__init__(time, attributes) self.thread_team = thread_team self.creating_thread = creating_thread self.generation_number = generation_number @classmethod def _construct(cls, registry, time, thread_team, creating_thread, generation_number): return cls(time, registry.comms[thread_team], creating_thread, generation_number) def _write(self, writer): with AttributeList(writer._archive.definitions, self.attributes) as al: writer._thread_task_switch(al._handle, self.time, self.thread_team._ref, self.creating_thread, self.generation_number)
[docs]class ThreadTaskComplete(_Event): """A ThreadTaskComplete record indicates that the execution of an OpenMP task has finished. """ _fields = ("time", "int", "the timestamp"), \ ("threadTeam", "CommRef", ""), \ ("creatingThread", "ctypes.c_uint32", ""), \ ("generationNumber", "ctypes.c_uint32", ""), \ ("attributes", "dict", "a dict with an :py:class:`otf2.definitions.Attribute` \ referencing a suitable value.") def __init__(self, time, thread_team, creating_thread, generation_number, attributes=None): super(ThreadTaskComplete, self).__init__(time, attributes) self.thread_team = thread_team self.creating_thread = creating_thread self.generation_number = generation_number @classmethod def _construct(cls, registry, time, thread_team, creating_thread, generation_number): return cls(time, registry.comms[thread_team], creating_thread, generation_number) def _write(self, writer): with AttributeList(writer._archive.definitions, self.attributes) as al: writer._thread_task_complete(al._handle, self.time, self.thread_team._ref, self.creating_thread, self.generation_number)
[docs]class ThreadCreate(_Event): """The location created successfully a new thread. """ _fields = ("time", "int", "the timestamp"), \ ("threadContingent", "CommRef", ""), \ ("sequenceCount", "ctypes.c_uint64", ""), \ ("attributes", "dict", "a dict with an :py:class:`otf2.definitions.Attribute` \ referencing a suitable value.") def __init__(self, time, thread_contingent, sequence_count, attributes=None): super(ThreadCreate, self).__init__(time, attributes) self.thread_contingent = thread_contingent self.sequence_count = sequence_count @classmethod def _construct(cls, registry, time, thread_contingent, sequence_count): return cls(time, registry.comms[thread_contingent], sequence_count) def _write(self, writer): with AttributeList(writer._archive.definitions, self.attributes) as al: writer._thread_create(al._handle, self.time, self.thread_contingent._ref, self.sequence_count)
[docs]class ThreadBegin(_Event): """Marks the begin of a thread created by another thread. """ _fields = ("time", "int", "the timestamp"), \ ("threadContingent", "CommRef", ""), \ ("sequenceCount", "ctypes.c_uint64", ""), \ ("attributes", "dict", "a dict with an :py:class:`otf2.definitions.Attribute` \ referencing a suitable value.") def __init__(self, time, thread_contingent, sequence_count, attributes=None): super(ThreadBegin, self).__init__(time, attributes) self.thread_contingent = thread_contingent self.sequence_count = sequence_count @classmethod def _construct(cls, registry, time, thread_contingent, sequence_count): return cls(time, registry.comms[thread_contingent], sequence_count) def _write(self, writer): with AttributeList(writer._archive.definitions, self.attributes) as al: writer._thread_begin(al._handle, self.time, self.thread_contingent._ref, self.sequence_count)
[docs]class ThreadWait(_Event): """The location waits for the completion of another thread. """ _fields = ("time", "int", "the timestamp"), \ ("threadContingent", "CommRef", ""), \ ("sequenceCount", "ctypes.c_uint64", ""), \ ("attributes", "dict", "a dict with an :py:class:`otf2.definitions.Attribute` \ referencing a suitable value.") def __init__(self, time, thread_contingent, sequence_count, attributes=None): super(ThreadWait, self).__init__(time, attributes) self.thread_contingent = thread_contingent self.sequence_count = sequence_count @classmethod def _construct(cls, registry, time, thread_contingent, sequence_count): return cls(time, registry.comms[thread_contingent], sequence_count) def _write(self, writer): with AttributeList(writer._archive.definitions, self.attributes) as al: writer._thread_wait(al._handle, self.time, self.thread_contingent._ref, self.sequence_count)
[docs]class ThreadEnd(_Event): """Marks the end of a thread. """ _fields = ("time", "int", "the timestamp"), \ ("threadContingent", "CommRef", ""), \ ("sequenceCount", "ctypes.c_uint64", ""), \ ("attributes", "dict", "a dict with an :py:class:`otf2.definitions.Attribute` \ referencing a suitable value.") def __init__(self, time, thread_contingent, sequence_count, attributes=None): super(ThreadEnd, self).__init__(time, attributes) self.thread_contingent = thread_contingent self.sequence_count = sequence_count @classmethod def _construct(cls, registry, time, thread_contingent, sequence_count): return cls(time, registry.comms[thread_contingent], sequence_count) def _write(self, writer): with AttributeList(writer._archive.definitions, self.attributes) as al: writer._thread_end(al._handle, self.time, self.thread_contingent._ref, self.sequence_count)
[docs]class CallingContextEnter(_Event): """The thread entered an instrumented region, represented by the referenced @eref{CallingContext}. In contrast to the @eref{Enter} event, it gives the full calling context through the @eref{CallingContext} tree. Events based on the @eref{CallingContext} definition are mutually exclusive with the @eref{Enter}/@eref{Leave} events in a trace. If no callback for this event is set but a callback for @eref{Enter} events is defined, the reader will automatically generate an @eref{Enter} callback call for the @eref{Region} referenced by the @eref{CallingContext} attribute of this event. Note that this emulation does @b not re-create the full calling context! It only re-creates the event order for instrumented regions. """ _fields = ("time", "int", "the timestamp"), \ ("callingContext", "CallingContextRef", ""), \ ("unwindDistance", "ctypes.c_uint32", ""), \ ("attributes", "dict", "a dict with an :py:class:`otf2.definitions.Attribute` \ referencing a suitable value.") def __init__(self, time, calling_context, unwind_distance, attributes=None): super(CallingContextEnter, self).__init__(time, attributes) self.calling_context = calling_context self.unwind_distance = unwind_distance @classmethod def _construct(cls, registry, time, calling_context, unwind_distance): return cls(time, registry.calling_contexts[calling_context], unwind_distance) def _write(self, writer): with AttributeList(writer._archive.definitions, self.attributes) as al: writer._calling_context_enter(al._handle, self.time, self.calling_context._ref, self.unwind_distance)
[docs]class CallingContextLeave(_Event): """The thread left an instrumented region, represented by the referenced @eref{CallingContext}. In contrast to the @eref{Leave} event, it gives the full calling context through the @eref{CallingContext} tree. The unwind distance for this @eref{CallingContext} is defined to be 1. Because it must be assumed that the instrumented region made progress since the previous @eref{CallingContext} event. Events based on the @eref{CallingContext} definition are mutually exclusive with the @eref{Enter}/@eref{Leave} events in a trace. The parent of the @eref{CallingContext} must be used as the previous calling context for the next event. If no callback for this event is set but a callback for @eref{Leave} events is defined, the reader will automatically generate an @eref{Leave} callback call for the @eref{Region} referenced by the @eref{CallingContext} attribute of this event. Note that this emulation does @b not re-create the full calling context! It only re-creates the event order for instrumented regions. """ _fields = ("time", "int", "the timestamp"), \ ("callingContext", "CallingContextRef", ""), \ ("attributes", "dict", "a dict with an :py:class:`otf2.definitions.Attribute` \ referencing a suitable value.") def __init__(self, time, calling_context, attributes=None): super(CallingContextLeave, self).__init__(time, attributes) self.calling_context = calling_context @classmethod def _construct(cls, registry, time, calling_context): return cls(time, registry.calling_contexts[calling_context]) def _write(self, writer): with AttributeList(writer._archive.definitions, self.attributes) as al: writer._calling_context_leave(al._handle, self.time, self.calling_context._ref)
[docs]class CallingContextSample(_Event): """The thread was interrupted to take a sample of its current state (region and source code location). Events based on the @eref{CallingContext} definition are mutually exclusive with the @eref{Enter}/@eref{Leave} events in a trace. """ _fields = ("time", "int", "the timestamp"), \ ("callingContext", "CallingContextRef", ""), \ ("unwindDistance", "ctypes.c_uint32", ""), \ ("interruptGenerator", "InterruptGeneratorRef", ""), \ ("attributes", "dict", "a dict with an :py:class:`otf2.definitions.Attribute` \ referencing a suitable value.") def __init__(self, time, calling_context, unwind_distance, interrupt_generator, attributes=None): super(CallingContextSample, self).__init__(time, attributes) self.calling_context = calling_context self.unwind_distance = unwind_distance self.interrupt_generator = interrupt_generator @classmethod def _construct(cls, registry, time, calling_context, unwind_distance, interrupt_generator): return cls(time, registry.calling_contexts[calling_context], unwind_distance, registry.interrupt_generators[interrupt_generator]) def _write(self, writer): with AttributeList(writer._archive.definitions, self.attributes) as al: writer._calling_context_sample(al._handle, self.time, self.calling_context._ref, self.unwind_distance, self.interrupt_generator._ref)
[docs]class IoCreateHandle(_Event): """An IoCreateHandle record marks the creation of a new @emph{active} I/O handle that can be used by subsequent I/O operation events. An @eref{IoHandle} is @emph{active} between a pair of consecutive @eref{IoCreateHandle} and @eref{IoDestroyHandle} events. All @eref{Location}s of a @eref{LocationGroup} have access to an @emph{active} @eref{IoHandle}. If the @eref{Comm} attribute of the @eref{IoHandle} handle is not @eref{OTF2_UNDEFINED_COMM}, this is a collective operation over @eref{Comm}. """ _fields = ("time", "int", "the timestamp"), \ ("handle", "IoHandleRef", ""), \ ("mode", "IoAccessMode", ""), \ ("creationFlags", "IoCreationFlag", ""), \ ("statusFlags", "IoStatusFlag", ""), \ ("attributes", "dict", "a dict with an :py:class:`otf2.definitions.Attribute` \ referencing a suitable value.") def __init__(self, time, handle, mode, creation_flags, status_flags, attributes=None): super(IoCreateHandle, self).__init__(time, attributes) self.handle = handle self.mode = mode self.creation_flags = creation_flags self.status_flags = status_flags @classmethod def _construct(cls, registry, time, handle, mode, creation_flags, status_flags): return cls(time, registry.io_handles[handle], mode, creation_flags, status_flags) def _write(self, writer): with AttributeList(writer._archive.definitions, self.attributes) as al: writer._io_create_handle(al._handle, self.time, self.handle._ref, self.mode, self.creation_flags, self.status_flags)
[docs]class IoDestroyHandle(_Event): """An IoDestroyHandle record marks the end of an @emph{active} I/O handle's lifetime. An @eref{IoHandle} is @emph{active} between a pair of consecutive @eref{IoCreateHandle} and @eref{IoDestroyHandle} events. All @eref{Location}s of a @eref{LocationGroup} have access to an @emph{active} @eref{IoHandle}. If the @eref{Comm} attribute of the @eref{IoHandle} handle is not @eref{OTF2_UNDEFINED_COMM}, this is a collective operation over @eref{Comm}. """ _fields = ("time", "int", "the timestamp"), \ ("handle", "IoHandleRef", ""), \ ("attributes", "dict", "a dict with an :py:class:`otf2.definitions.Attribute` \ referencing a suitable value.") def __init__(self, time, handle, attributes=None): super(IoDestroyHandle, self).__init__(time, attributes) self.handle = handle @classmethod def _construct(cls, registry, time, handle): return cls(time, registry.io_handles[handle]) def _write(self, writer): with AttributeList(writer._archive.definitions, self.attributes) as al: writer._io_destroy_handle(al._handle, self.time, self.handle._ref)
[docs]class IoDuplicateHandle(_Event): """An IoDuplicateHandle record marks the duplication of an already existing @emph{active} I/O handle. The new I/O handle @p newHandle is @emph{active} after this event. Both @eref{IoHandle}s must reference the same @eref{Comm} definition or be @eref{OTF2_UNDEFINED_COMM}. If the @eref{Comm} attribute of the @eref{IoHandle} handles is not @eref{OTF2_UNDEFINED_COMM}, this is a collective operation over @eref{Comm}. """ _fields = ("time", "int", "the timestamp"), \ ("oldHandle", "IoHandleRef", ""), \ ("newHandle", "IoHandleRef", ""), \ ("statusFlags", "IoStatusFlag", ""), \ ("attributes", "dict", "a dict with an :py:class:`otf2.definitions.Attribute` \ referencing a suitable value.") def __init__(self, time, old_handle, new_handle, status_flags, attributes=None): super(IoDuplicateHandle, self).__init__(time, attributes) self.old_handle = old_handle self.new_handle = new_handle self.status_flags = status_flags @classmethod def _construct(cls, registry, time, old_handle, new_handle, status_flags): return cls(time, registry.io_handles[old_handle], registry.io_handles[new_handle], status_flags) def _write(self, writer): with AttributeList(writer._archive.definitions, self.attributes) as al: writer._io_duplicate_handle(al._handle, self.time, self.old_handle._ref, self.new_handle._ref, self.status_flags)
[docs]class IoSeek(_Event): """An IoSeek record marks a change of the position, e.g., within a file. """ _fields = ("time", "int", "the timestamp"), \ ("handle", "IoHandleRef", ""), \ ("offsetRequest", "ctypes.c_int64", ""), \ ("whence", "IoSeekOption", ""), \ ("offsetResult", "ctypes.c_uint64", ""), \ ("attributes", "dict", "a dict with an :py:class:`otf2.definitions.Attribute` \ referencing a suitable value.") def __init__(self, time, handle, offset_request, whence, offset_result, attributes=None): super(IoSeek, self).__init__(time, attributes) self.handle = handle self.offset_request = offset_request self.whence = whence self.offset_result = offset_result @classmethod def _construct(cls, registry, time, handle, offset_request, whence, offset_result): return cls(time, registry.io_handles[handle], offset_request, whence, offset_result) def _write(self, writer): with AttributeList(writer._archive.definitions, self.attributes) as al: writer._io_seek(al._handle, self.time, self.handle._ref, self.offset_request, self.whence, self.offset_result)
[docs]class IoChangeStatusFlags(_Event): """An IoChangeStatusFlags record marks a change to the status flags associated with an @emph{active} I/O handle. """ _fields = ("time", "int", "the timestamp"), \ ("handle", "IoHandleRef", ""), \ ("statusFlags", "IoStatusFlag", ""), \ ("attributes", "dict", "a dict with an :py:class:`otf2.definitions.Attribute` \ referencing a suitable value.") def __init__(self, time, handle, status_flags, attributes=None): super(IoChangeStatusFlags, self).__init__(time, attributes) self.handle = handle self.status_flags = status_flags @classmethod def _construct(cls, registry, time, handle, status_flags): return cls(time, registry.io_handles[handle], status_flags) def _write(self, writer): with AttributeList(writer._archive.definitions, self.attributes) as al: writer._io_change_status_flags(al._handle, self.time, self.handle._ref, self.status_flags)
[docs]class IoDeleteFile(_Event): """An IoDeleteFile record marks the deletion of an I/O file. """ _fields = ("time", "int", "the timestamp"), \ ("ioParadigm", "IoParadigmRef", ""), \ ("file", "IoFileRef", ""), \ ("attributes", "dict", "a dict with an :py:class:`otf2.definitions.Attribute` \ referencing a suitable value.") def __init__(self, time, io_paradigm, file, attributes=None): super(IoDeleteFile, self).__init__(time, attributes) self.io_paradigm = io_paradigm self.file = file @classmethod def _construct(cls, registry, time, io_paradigm, file): return cls(time, registry.io_paradigms[io_paradigm], registry.io_files[file]) def _write(self, writer): with AttributeList(writer._archive.definitions, self.attributes) as al: writer._io_delete_file(al._handle, self.time, self.io_paradigm._ref, self.file._ref)
[docs]class IoOperationBegin(_Event): """An IoOperationBegin record marks the begin of a file operation (read, write, etc.). See @ref otf2_io_operation_event_order for the possible event orders. """ _fields = ("time", "int", "the timestamp"), \ ("handle", "IoHandleRef", ""), \ ("mode", "IoOperationMode", ""), \ ("operationFlags", "IoOperationFlag", ""), \ ("bytesRequest", "ctypes.c_uint64", ""), \ ("matchingId", "ctypes.c_uint64", ""), \ ("attributes", "dict", "a dict with an :py:class:`otf2.definitions.Attribute` \ referencing a suitable value.") def __init__(self, time, handle, mode, operation_flags, bytes_request, matching_id, attributes=None): super(IoOperationBegin, self).__init__(time, attributes) self.handle = handle self.mode = mode self.operation_flags = operation_flags self.bytes_request = bytes_request self.matching_id = matching_id @classmethod def _construct(cls, registry, time, handle, mode, operation_flags, bytes_request, matching_id): return cls(time, registry.io_handles[handle], mode, operation_flags, bytes_request, matching_id) def _write(self, writer): with AttributeList(writer._archive.definitions, self.attributes) as al: writer._io_operation_begin(al._handle, self.time, self.handle._ref, self.mode, self.operation_flags, self.bytes_request, self.matching_id)
[docs]class IoOperationTest(_Event): """An IoOperationTest record marks an unsuccessful test whether an I/O operation has already finished. See @ref otf2_io_operation_event_order for the possible event orders. """ _fields = ("time", "int", "the timestamp"), \ ("handle", "IoHandleRef", ""), \ ("matchingId", "ctypes.c_uint64", ""), \ ("attributes", "dict", "a dict with an :py:class:`otf2.definitions.Attribute` \ referencing a suitable value.") def __init__(self, time, handle, matching_id, attributes=None): super(IoOperationTest, self).__init__(time, attributes) self.handle = handle self.matching_id = matching_id @classmethod def _construct(cls, registry, time, handle, matching_id): return cls(time, registry.io_handles[handle], matching_id) def _write(self, writer): with AttributeList(writer._archive.definitions, self.attributes) as al: writer._io_operation_test(al._handle, self.time, self.handle._ref, self.matching_id)
[docs]class IoOperationIssued(_Event): """An IoOperationIssued record marks the successful initiation of a non-blocking operation (read, write etc.) on an @emph{active} I/O handle. See @ref otf2_io_operation_event_order for the possible event orders. """ _fields = ("time", "int", "the timestamp"), \ ("handle", "IoHandleRef", ""), \ ("matchingId", "ctypes.c_uint64", ""), \ ("attributes", "dict", "a dict with an :py:class:`otf2.definitions.Attribute` \ referencing a suitable value.") def __init__(self, time, handle, matching_id, attributes=None): super(IoOperationIssued, self).__init__(time, attributes) self.handle = handle self.matching_id = matching_id @classmethod def _construct(cls, registry, time, handle, matching_id): return cls(time, registry.io_handles[handle], matching_id) def _write(self, writer): with AttributeList(writer._archive.definitions, self.attributes) as al: writer._io_operation_issued(al._handle, self.time, self.handle._ref, self.matching_id)
[docs]class IoOperationComplete(_Event): """An IoOperationComplete record marks the end of a file operation (read, write etc.) on an @emph{active} I/O handle. See @ref otf2_io_operation_event_order for the possible event orders. """ _fields = ("time", "int", "the timestamp"), \ ("handle", "IoHandleRef", ""), \ ("bytesResult", "ctypes.c_uint64", ""), \ ("matchingId", "ctypes.c_uint64", ""), \ ("attributes", "dict", "a dict with an :py:class:`otf2.definitions.Attribute` \ referencing a suitable value.") def __init__(self, time, handle, bytes_result, matching_id, attributes=None): super(IoOperationComplete, self).__init__(time, attributes) self.handle = handle self.bytes_result = bytes_result self.matching_id = matching_id @classmethod def _construct(cls, registry, time, handle, bytes_result, matching_id): return cls(time, registry.io_handles[handle], bytes_result, matching_id) def _write(self, writer): with AttributeList(writer._archive.definitions, self.attributes) as al: writer._io_operation_complete(al._handle, self.time, self.handle._ref, self.bytes_result, self.matching_id)
[docs]class IoOperationCancelled(_Event): """An IoOperationCancelled record marks the successful cancellation of a non-blocking operation (read, write etc.) on an @emph{active} I/O handle. See @ref otf2_io_operation_event_order for the possible event orders. """ _fields = ("time", "int", "the timestamp"), \ ("handle", "IoHandleRef", ""), \ ("matchingId", "ctypes.c_uint64", ""), \ ("attributes", "dict", "a dict with an :py:class:`otf2.definitions.Attribute` \ referencing a suitable value.") def __init__(self, time, handle, matching_id, attributes=None): super(IoOperationCancelled, self).__init__(time, attributes) self.handle = handle self.matching_id = matching_id @classmethod def _construct(cls, registry, time, handle, matching_id): return cls(time, registry.io_handles[handle], matching_id) def _write(self, writer): with AttributeList(writer._archive.definitions, self.attributes) as al: writer._io_operation_cancelled(al._handle, self.time, self.handle._ref, self.matching_id)
[docs]class IoAcquireLock(_Event): """An IoAcquireLock record marks the acquisition of an I/O lock. """ _fields = ("time", "int", "the timestamp"), \ ("handle", "IoHandleRef", ""), \ ("lockType", "LockType", ""), \ ("attributes", "dict", "a dict with an :py:class:`otf2.definitions.Attribute` \ referencing a suitable value.") def __init__(self, time, handle, lock_type, attributes=None): super(IoAcquireLock, self).__init__(time, attributes) self.handle = handle self.lock_type = lock_type @classmethod def _construct(cls, registry, time, handle, lock_type): return cls(time, registry.io_handles[handle], lock_type) def _write(self, writer): with AttributeList(writer._archive.definitions, self.attributes) as al: writer._io_acquire_lock(al._handle, self.time, self.handle._ref, self.lock_type)
[docs]class IoReleaseLock(_Event): """An IoReleaseLock record marks the release of an I/O lock. """ _fields = ("time", "int", "the timestamp"), \ ("handle", "IoHandleRef", ""), \ ("lockType", "LockType", ""), \ ("attributes", "dict", "a dict with an :py:class:`otf2.definitions.Attribute` \ referencing a suitable value.") def __init__(self, time, handle, lock_type, attributes=None): super(IoReleaseLock, self).__init__(time, attributes) self.handle = handle self.lock_type = lock_type @classmethod def _construct(cls, registry, time, handle, lock_type): return cls(time, registry.io_handles[handle], lock_type) def _write(self, writer): with AttributeList(writer._archive.definitions, self.attributes) as al: writer._io_release_lock(al._handle, self.time, self.handle._ref, self.lock_type)
[docs]class IoTryLock(_Event): """An IoTryLock record marks when an I/O lock was requested but not granted. """ _fields = ("time", "int", "the timestamp"), \ ("handle", "IoHandleRef", ""), \ ("lockType", "LockType", ""), \ ("attributes", "dict", "a dict with an :py:class:`otf2.definitions.Attribute` \ referencing a suitable value.") def __init__(self, time, handle, lock_type, attributes=None): super(IoTryLock, self).__init__(time, attributes) self.handle = handle self.lock_type = lock_type @classmethod def _construct(cls, registry, time, handle, lock_type): return cls(time, registry.io_handles[handle], lock_type) def _write(self, writer): with AttributeList(writer._archive.definitions, self.attributes) as al: writer._io_try_lock(al._handle, self.time, self.handle._ref, self.lock_type)
[docs]class ProgramBegin(_Event): """The ProgramBegin record marks the begin of the program. This event is restricted to happen at most once on any @eref{Location} in a @eref{LocationGroup} that is of type @eref{OTF2_LOCATION_GROUP_TYPE_PROCESS}. If there is a ProgramBegin record, a corresponding @eref{ProgramEnd} record on any @eref{Location} in the same @eref{LocationGroup} is mandatory and vice versa. None of the timestamps recorded within the same @eref{LocationGroup} must be smaller than ProgramBegin's timestamp. """ _fields = ("time", "int", "the timestamp"), \ ("programName", "StringRef", ""), \ ("programArguments", "array", "an array of program arguments"), \ ("attributes", "dict", "a dict with an :py:class:`otf2.definitions.Attribute` \ referencing a suitable value.") def __init__(self, time, program_name, program_arguments, attributes=None): super(ProgramBegin, self).__init__(time, attributes) self.program_name = program_name self.program_arguments = program_arguments @classmethod def _construct(cls, registry, time, program_name_ref, program_argument_refs): return cls(time, registry.strings[program_name_ref], [registry.strings[ref] for ref in program_argument_refs]) def _write(self, writer): with AttributeList(writer._archive.definitions, self.attributes) as al: writer._program_begin(al._handle, self.time, _get_string_ref(writer, self.program_name), [_get_string_ref(writer, argument) for argument in self.program_arguments])
[docs]class ProgramEnd(_Event): """The ProgramEnd record marks the end of the program. This event is restricted to happen at most once on any @eref{Location} in a @eref{LocationGroup} that is of type @eref{OTF2_LOCATION_GROUP_TYPE_PROCESS}. If there is a ProgramEnd record, a corresponding @eref{ProgramBegin} record on any @eref{Location} in the same @eref{LocationGroup} is mandatory, and vice versa. None of the timestamps recorded within the same @eref{LocationGroup} must be larger than ProgramEnd's timestamp. """ _fields = ("time", "int", "the timestamp"), \ ("exitStatus", "ctypes.c_int64", ""), \ ("attributes", "dict", "a dict with an :py:class:`otf2.definitions.Attribute` \ referencing a suitable value.") def __init__(self, time, exit_status, attributes=None): super(ProgramEnd, self).__init__(time, attributes) self.exit_status = exit_status @classmethod def _construct(cls, registry, time, exit_status): return cls(time, exit_status) def _write(self, writer): with AttributeList(writer._archive.definitions, self.attributes) as al: writer._program_end(al._handle, self.time, self.exit_status)