3.0.1 (revision 00fb798b)
OTF2 config tool

A call to otf2-config has the following syntax:

Usage: otf2-config [OPTION]... COMMAND

  --cflags     prints additional compiler flags. They already contain
               the include flags
  --cppflags   prints the include flags for the OTF2 headers
  --libs       prints the required libraries for linking
  --ldflags    prints the required linker flags
  --cc         prints the C compiler name
  --features <FEATURE-CATEGORY>
               prints available features selected by <FEATURE-CATEGORY>.
               Available feature categories:
                * substrates
                * compressions
                * targets
  --help       prints this usage information

  --version    prints the version number of the OTF2 package
  --revision   prints the revision number of the OTF2 package
               prints the interface version number
               prints the configure summary of the OTF2 package
               prints the python path for the OTF2 modules

  --target <TARGET>
               displays the requested information for the given <TARGET>.
               On non-cross compiling systems, the 'backend' target is ignored.
  --backend    equivalent to '--target backend' (deprecated)
  --cuda       specifies that the required flags are for the CUDA compiler
               nvcc (deprecated)