8.4 (revision 624046d2)
Score-P Tools


A call to scorep has the following syntax:

This is the Score-P instrumentation tool. The usage is:
scorep <options> <original command>

Common options are:
  --help, -h      Show help output. Does not execute any other command.
  -v, --verbose[=<value>] Specifies the verbosity level. The following
                  levels are available:
                  0 = No output
                  1 = Executed commands are displayed (default if no
                      value is specified)
                  2 = Detailed information is displayed
  --dry-run       Only displays the executed commands. It does not
                  execute any command.
  --keep-files    Do not delete temporarily created files after successful
                  instrumentation. By default, temporary files are deleted
                  if no error occurs during instrumentation.
                  Specifies the filter file for filtering functions during
                  compile-time. Not supported by all instrumentation methods.
                  It applies the same syntax, as the one used by Score-P during
  --version       Prints the Score-P version and exits.
                  Tells scorep to skip all preprocessing related steps,
                  the input files are already preprocessed.
  --static        Enforce static linking of the Score-P libraries.
  --dynamic       Enforce dynamic linking of the Score-P libraries.
  --no-as-needed  Adds a GNU ld linker flag to fix undefined references
                  when using shared Score-P libraries. This happens on
                  systems using --as-needed as linker default. It will
                  be handled transparently in future releases of Score-P.
                  Possible paradigms and variants are:
                  No thread support.
                  OpenMP support using thread tracking via ancestry functions
                  in OpenMP 3.0 and later.
                  It requires and, thus, automatically enables OPARI2
                  OpenMP support using thread tracking via OMPT.
                  It conflicts and, thus, automatically disables pdt
                  Pthread support using thread tracking via library wrapping.
                  It requires and, thus, automatically enables linktime-wrapping
                  It conflicts and, thus, automatically disables OPARI2
                  Possible paradigms and variants are:
                  No multi-process support.
                  MPI support using library wrapping
                  SHMEM support using library wrapping
                  <wrap-mode> may be 'linktime' or 'runtime'.
                  The default is the first supported mode in the above order.
                  Possible paradigms and variants are:
                  No I/O wrapping support.
                  POSIX I/O support using library wrapping. This includes the
                  file descriptor based POSIX API (i.e., `open`/`close`). The
                  POSIX asynchronous I/O API (i.e., `aio_read`/`aio_write`), if
                  available. And the ISO C `FILE` handle based API (i.e.,
  --compiler      Enables compiler instrumentation.
                  By default, it disables pdt instrumentation.
  --nocompiler    Disables compiler instrumentation.
  --cuda          Enables CUDA instrumentation. Enabled by default, if the
                  nvcc compiler is in use. In this case it also conflicts and
                  thus automatically disables preprocessing.
  --nocuda        Disables CUDA instrumentation.
  --pomp          Enables OPARI2 pomp user instrumentation. By default, it also
                  enables preprocessing.
  --nopomp        Disables OPARI2 pomp user instrumentation (Default).
  --openmp        Enables OPARI2 instrumentation of OpenMP directives. By default,
                  it also enables preprocessing (Default for compile units
                  with enabled OpenMP support during the compilation).
                  Conflicts with --thread=omp:ompt.
  --noopenmp      Disables OPARI2 instrumentation of OpenMP directives.
                  Note: To ensure thread-safe execution of the measurement,
                  parallel regions still need to be tracked and will appear
                  in the results (Default for compile units without OpenMP
                  enabled compilation).
                  Pass options to the source-to-source instrumenter OPARI2
                  to have finer control over the instrumentation process.
                  Please refer to the OPARI2 user documentation for more
                  Enables pdt instrumentation.
                  You may add additional parameters that are passed to pdt.
                  It requires and, thus, automatically enables user
                  It conflicts and, thus, automatically disables preprocess
                  By default, it disables compiler instrumentation.
  --nopdt         Disables pdt instrumentation.
  --preprocess    Enables preprocess instrumentation.
                  It cannot be enabled, if not at least one of the following is
                  enabled: OPARI2 instrumentation.
                  It conflicts and, thus, automatically disables pdt
  --nopreprocess  Disables preprocess instrumentation.
  --user          Enables user instrumentation.
  --nouser        Disables user instrumentation.
                  Enables OpenCL instrumentation.
  --noopencl      Disables OpenCL instrumentation.
  --openacc       Enables OpenACC instrumentation.
  --noopenacc     Disables OpenACC instrumentation.
  --memory        Enables memory usage instrumentation. It is enabled by default.
  --nomemory      Disables memory usage instrumentation.
                  Enables user library wrapping for specified libraries.
                  <wrap-mode> may be 'linktime' or 'runtime'.
                  The default is the first supported mode in the above order.
                  <wrapper-name>... is a comma-separated list of library wrappers
                  which will be looked up in the paths of the colon-separated
                  'SCOREP_LIBWRAP_PATH' environment variable and in the installation
                  directory of Score-P. <path-to-wrapper> is a full path to the
                  .libwrap anchor file.
                  Use 'scorep-info libwrap-summary' for a more detailed listing
                  of available library wrappers.
  --kokkos        Enables Kokkos instrumentation.
  --nokokkos      Disables Kokkos instrumentation.
  --hip           Enables HIP instrumentation. Enabled by default, if the
                  hipcc compiler is in use. In this case it also disables by
                  default the compiler instrumentation and conflicts with the
  --nohip         Disables HIP instrumentation.

Report bugs to <support@score-p.org>


A call to scorep-config has the following syntax:

scorep-config <command> [<options>]
   --prefix   Prints the canonical installation prefix of this Score-P
   --cflags   Prints additional compiler flags for a C compiler.
              They already contain the include flags.
   --cxxflags Prints additional compiler flags for a C++ compiler.
              They already contain the include flags.
   --fflags   Prints additional compiler flags for a Fortran compiler.
              They already contain the include flags.
              Prints the include flags. They are already contained in the
              output of the --cflags, --cxxflags, and --fflags commands.
              language may be one of c (default), c++, or fortran.
   --ldflags  Prints the library path flags for the linker.
   --libs     Prints the required libraries to link against
              (combines --event-libs and --mgmt-libs).
              Prints only the required libraries to link against which
              includes event entry points into the measurement.
              Prints only the required libraries to link against which
              includes management code from the Score-P measurement and
              their dependencies.
              Prints only the required libraries which should be listed in
   --cc       Prints the C compiler name.
   --cxx      Prints the C++ compiler name.
   --fc       Prints the Fortran compiler name.
   --mpicc    Prints the MPI C compiler name.
   --mpicxx   Prints the MPI C++ compiler name.
   --mpifc    Prints the MPI Fortran compiler name.
   --shmemcc  Prints the SHMEM C compiler name.
   --shmemcxx Prints the SHMEM C++ compiler name.
   --shmemfc  Prints the SHMEM Fortran compiler name.
   --libtool  Prints the path to the libtool script used to build Score-P
              Prints the path to the libtool script used to build Score-P
              MPI libraries.
              Prints the path to the libtool script used to build Score-P
              SHMEM libraries.
   --help     Prints this usage information.
   --version  Prints the version number of the Score-P package.
              Prints the revision number of the Score-P package.
              Prints the revision number of the common package.
              Prints the path to the remapper specification file.
              Prints the code for adapter initialization.
              Prints true if link-time library wrapping is supported.
              Prints true if run-time library wrapping is supported.
   --target   Get flags for specified target, e.g., mic.
   --nvcc     Convert flags to be suitable for the nvcc compiler.
   --static   Use only static Score-P libraries if possible.
   --dynamic  Use only dynamic Score-P libraries if possible.
              Specifies whether compiler instrumentation is used.
              On default compiler instrumentation is enabled.
              Specifies whether user instrumentation is used.
              On default user instrumentation is disabled.
              Specifies whether pomp instrumentation is used.
              On default pomp instrumentation is disabled.
              Specifies whether cuda instrumentation is used.
              On default cuda instrumentation is enabled.
              Specifies whether openacc instrumentation is used.
              On default openacc instrumentation is enabled.
              Specifies whether hip instrumentation is used.
              On default hip instrumentation is enabled.
   --opencl[:<wrapping mode>]|--noopencl
              Specifies whether opencl instrumentation is used.
              On default opencl instrumentation is enabled.
              Available wrapping modes are:
               linktime (default)
              Specifies whether kokkos instrumentation is used.
              On default kokkos instrumentation is enabled.
              Specifies whether preprocess instrumentation is used.
              On default preprocess instrumentation is disabled.
   --memory=<api list>|--nomemory
              Specifies whether memory usage recording is used.
              On default memory usage recording is disabled.
              The following memory interfaces may be recorded:
                new,new[],delete,delete[] (IA-64 C++ ABI)
                new,new[],delete,delete[] (old PGI/EDG C++ ABI)
              Specifies whether I/O recording is used.
              On default I/O recording is disabled.
              The following I/O paradigms may be recorded:
              Uses the specified library wrapper.
   --thread=<threading system>
              Available threading systems are:
               none (default)
   --mpp=<multi-process paradigm>
              Available multi-process paradigms are:
               none (default)

Report bugs to <support@score-p.org>


A call to scorep-info has the following syntax:

Usage: scorep-info <info command> <command options>
       scorep-info --help [<info command>]
This is the Score-P info tool.

Available info commands:

    Shows the configure summary of the Score-P package.

    Shows the list of all measurement config variables with a short description.

    Info command options:
      --help        Displays a description of the Score-P measurement
                    configuration system.
      --full        Displays a detailed description for each config variable.
      --values      Displays the current values for each config variable.
                    Warning: These values may be wrong, please consult the
                             manual of the batch system how to pass the values
                             to the measurement job.

    Shows the LD_AUDIT value needed to extend address lookup to dynamically
    loaded shared objects.

    Shows known library wrappers available to this Score-P installation.

    Info command options:
      --build       Shows detailed information about how the library wrapper
                    was built.

    Shows the license of the Score-P package.

    Shows open and known issues of the Score-P package.

Report bugs to <support@score-p.org>


A call to scorep-score has the following syntax:

Usage: scorep-score [options] <profile>
 -r          Show all regions.
 -h, --help  Show this help and exit.
 -f <filter> Shows the result with the filter applied.
 -c <num>    Specifies the number of hardware counters that shall be measured.
             By default, this value is 0, which means that only a timestamp
             is measured on each event. If you plan to record hardware counters
             specify the number of hardware counters. Otherwise, scorep-score
             may underestimate the required space.
 -m          Prints mangled region names instead of demangled names.
 -s <choice> Sorting of entries. Possible choices are totaltime, timepervisit,
              maxbuffer, visits and name (default=maxbuffer).
 -g [<list>] Generation of an initial filter file with the name
             'initial_scorep.filter'. A valid parameter list has the form
             KEY=VALUE[,KEY=VALUE]*. By default, uses the following control


             A region is included in the filter file (i.e., excluded from
             measurement) if it matches all of the given conditions, with the
             following keys:
             - `bufferpercent`       : estimated memory requirements exceed the
                                       given threshold in percent of the total
                                       estimated trace buffer requirements
             - `bufferabsolute`      : estimated memory requirements exceed
                                       the given absolute threshold in MB
             - `visits`              : number of visits exceeds the given
             - `timepervisit`        : time per visit value is below the given
                                       threshold in microseconds
             - `type`                : region type matches the given value
                                       (allowed: 'usr', 'com', 'both')


This tool is intended to run as a batch job. Please consult the manual of the batch system how to submit jobs.

A call to scorep-backend-info has the following syntax:

Usage: scorep-backend-info <info command> <command options>
       scorep-backend-info --help
This is the Score-P backend info tool.
Available info commands:

    Shows the available system tree levels, starting with the root.

    Shows the current values of all measurement config variables.